2024 Business Plan

The Foundation plans to devote well over 10 million Naira, representing about 70% of total budget to help improve livelihoods in 2024. We believe that focusing on the areas of greatest human need and economic empowerment will better boost the full potential of our investment in philanthropy. 

In line with the organisation‟s vision, our activities will continue to focus on positively impacting the lives of the less privileged and the most vulnerable in the society. Whilst drawing up the programme for 2024, we have taken into account the following economic and political concerns, amongst others: 

  • the state‟s economy will continue to remain predominantly a public service economy 
  • the purchasing power of the less privileged will continue to shrink in the face of galloping inflation rates and harsh economic environment 
  • Government‟s lofty plans to re-introduce student loans scheme for tertiary education may provide some succour, if handled properly. 

In total, our programme for the year 2024 is expected to impact about 355 people directly with the following breakdown: 

  • bursary award to about 150 indigent pupils/students  
  • financial assistance to about 20 petty traders, as part of “succour 2024” 
  • 3-months intensive vocational training / skills acquisition programme and certification for about100 persons and starter packs/kits to 15-20 select graduates. 
  • pathfinder project to identify, train, fund and mentor 2-3 Nano-scale entrepreneurs 
  • local sports training clinics for about 40 budding talents and sponsorship of adopted talents to external competitions (3 lawn tennis and 4 table tennis), and 
  • financial support to charity organisations and 2 indigent pregnant women. 

The expected impact in 2024 is as shown in the following picture. 

SAC2CAF Report 2024

Projected revenue for the year is N12,341,773 whilst proposed expenditure is 14,664,000 naira, representing an under-funding of about 2,322,677 million naira. Budget breakdown by activity is as shown under financials in section 3 below. 
